Our Ocean And You

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Helpful Tips For Diving

So you’re ready for your first dive… You’ve done the reading, and maybe attended a few pool sessions already. Most of learning to dive is achieving a feeling. From neutral buoyancy to keeping water out of your mask, these are skills you practice by doing them. There are a few skills, however, that require some memorization before they become part of the routine. We’ve created these helpful fliers to guide your learning.

The (Pre) Buddy Check

Perform this safety check on your buddy’s gear and with your buddy before entering the water. Most problems can be avoided with this simple check. We have a specific order to help avoid any missed points and make the process routine.

We do this twice before entering the water. The first is the PRE-BUDDY CHECK before we get into our equipment. Swap gear with your buddy and check to make sure everything is present and working ok. Run through BWRAF. We do this early so any problems can be fixed before we get into our dry suits, to prevent overheating and stress.

The Buddy Check

The second BUDDY CHECK happens after you get into your equipment. After donning your dry suit, hood, gloves, and BCD next to your buddy, perform the same BWRAF check on each other. This ensures everything is still in place and once again checks nothing is missing. Yes, they are the exact same procedure!

5 Point Descent

You and your buddy/buddies are ready to go down for a dive. Use the steps of the 5 Point Descent to prevent any stressful situations at the surface. It’s important to prepare you and your team for success by ensuring all equipment is working, everyone is safe, and knows the dive plan.

5 Point Ascent

We want to make sure everyone returns from the dive safely. Follow these steps to help guide your ascent to the surface.

With time, these procedures will become routine. Let’s go diving!